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My Journey: Taking off the Veil

My life's purpose is to guide women back to themselves. When we let go of being judged, we embrace the self-authority to step into our truth. 

This picture was taken two weeks before I gave birth to my fourth baby. It exemplified my life: balancing on one-hand, upside-down, smiling while juggling it all. Mother to four kids, full-time corporate drone, devoted wife, trusted friend. I felt happy, blessed, and fulfilled. Turns out, I was on auto-pilot.

Six months later that one-handed, handstand came crashing down. My college sweetheart pursued another love interest and for the first time I took off my veil of perfection and looked in the mirror. The woman I saw was tired, confused, and lost. She was gripping what wasn’t hers anymore.

Despite the heartbreak, I found a new love interest: My Self. Fun, curious, spontaneous, and committed to coming out of this experience stronger.

For the next year, I stripped away the masks telling me what I "should do" and asked myself what do I WANT to do? The more I hit pause on the chaos, the louder the voice became.

Listening to this voice meant embracing uncertainty and trusting a path that aligned to my core values: adventure, deep connection, and staying true to myself. For the next 12 months, I completed a women’s leadership program called The Practice, became a trained CTI (Co-Active) Coach, and quit my job to start a business.

By leaning into trust, I found tools that reacquainted me with my true spirit -- the little girl who knew what she wanted long before she became paralyzed by fear. Fear of failure, fear of letting others down, fear of abandonment.  

No longer striving for safety and perfection, I learned to accept failure as part of the process. I will fail. I will fail again, and again and again. But the gift from every failure is a choice. The choice to let fear run your life or the choice to let go of control. The choice to surrender and trust. And, with that choice comes freedom. For the first time, I was ready to pursue my life purpose at all costs.

If you or someone you know is ready to do this, I want her to join me and 6 other women on a unique journey known as the 7x7 Experiment.

I believe my experience happened to serve a higher purpose - to support women going through major life transitions.

This isn't a dress rehearsal.  This is the real thing; let's do this.  

If this resonates with you, this is your invitation to book a free clarity call with me. Book now.

What can you expect from this journey?


Lauren’s positive energy, compassion, and passion shines as she leads women back to themselves. Her style is clear, warm and welcoming.

— Diane V.

Lauren, you create an excellent space that feels safe and without judgment. Your willingness to be on the journey WITH me, not just guiding me, further supports the safe environment and comfort to open up and share.

— Jenny C.


There is a plan for each session. Lauren holds the agenda and “shines” by sharing her own personal experiences and speaking the hard truth. 

— Sarah T.

Lauren is genuine and spontaneous in her approach. She brings a perfect balance to every session.

— Renata P.

Motivation comes from within — unleash your brightest aura.

Seeking Clarity?

I offer a free clarity session for busy, professional women who are seeking deeper fulfillment, inner peace, and simplicity.